We are a collective of activists and photographers who seek to provide Palestinian photographers with a world-wide audience. In this way, we tell the story of Palestine as it is experienced now. We are aware that the photographic representation of Palestine in  the mainstream media is often biased and tendencious. We seek to correct this bias, and to encourage other activists to do likewise.

The exhibitions shown on our Home page can be obtained from us digitally and used in your own locality. We are happy to advise on the processes involved in organising  exhibitions, which can be used in their own right, or in combination with any other event you have in mind.

Another strand of our work is to facilitate visits of Palestinian photographers overseas. We have now welcomed four photographers to Scotland where we have arranged exhibitions and tours in which they can meet local people and talk about their work. Conversely, if you want to visit Palestine we can provide travel advice and contacts in Palestine whom you may be interested to meet.

Please note that we do not sell works displayed on our site. We are a not-for-profit charitable organisation registered by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (SC  046699). If you would like to buy any of the images, please get in touch directly with the individual photographers. Most of them have their own website or Facebook page through which you can make contact. However, we are very happy to provide contact details if required.